Discussione: Una DJ speciale
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Vecchio 19/01/22, 11:23   #1
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Registrato dal: Oct 2008
Ubicazione: Roma nord
Età : 59
Moto: ER-6F MY 2006 argento-oro
Sesso: Maschio
Messaggi: 111
predefinito Una DJ speciale

Radio One DJ and keen biker Mary Anne Hobbs is the first person to own a Kawasaki ER-6n in the UK.

Hobbs, who has presented World Superbike coverage for British Eurosport and Mary Anne's Bikes for the BBC, will be using the Kawasaki mainly for commuting in London.

"I've always been a major Kawasaki fan. I had a KH250 back in the day, it was the first bike I bought after I passed my test, and I wore a black tassled leather jacket with 'Kawasaki Queen' on the back," said Hobbs.

"It's so exciting to be the first person in the UK to get an ER-6n underneath me. It's lightweight, agile and handles beautifully, which is exactly what i need when I'm chasing through London traffic every day."

Published: 18 November 2005
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