-   -   Hi there (

Ben 02/01/08 05:03

Hi there
my name is Ben and im from germany,
i was wondering if somebody is interested in some extended communication, especially about project and accessories about the ER-6/ versys.

its been very hard to go trough a foreign language forum for me, maybe someone else has the same problem with the german forum?

i think of it this way,
lets say a german ER-6 rider does something really special, like custom paintjob or major modification, i tell you that so you dont have to look at the german forum all the time to see if something new or interesting is in there.

because even with a translator its very hard to understand a foreign language ;)

well, if someone is interested just tell me and we'll figure out a good way to communicate,
i got MSN messenger, icq and of course email =)

looking forward for our extended partnership

greetz Ben

sarah 02/01/08 08:45

Hi Ben and welcome in our community! :ok

Wir kennen auch einzige Worte in Deutsch....ich wunsche dir ein frohes wunderschones neues Jahr!

Sarah :wink:

enghira 02/01/08 09:21

Ben, :benvenuto :versys

dado71 02/01/08 12:40

Hi Ben

krusty 02/01/08 13:42

Hi Ben!!!kenn dein Nickname schon vom dt er6forum....
ich kann mich nicht mehr erinnern ob ich mich schon mal bei euch eingeschrieben habe

Deine idee find' ich super....auf alle Fälle kannst du auf englisch oder deutsch schreiben...ich kann dann gerne übersetzen
Ich frag jetz mal den Chef und dann könnte man bei uns einen topic aufmachen unter dem namen: Neuigkeiten vom deutschen forum....und dasselbe kann man dann auch bei euch machen z.B news from ER6italia oder so etwa in der Richtung

Wenn ichs noch nicht gemacht hab schreibe ich mich sofort bei euch ein!!!! :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok

algor65 02/01/08 13:54

Re: Hi there

Originariamente inviata da Ben
...looking forward for our extended partnership

greetz Ben

Hallo Ben, every partnership between our forum and your is welcome and you know that with languages there are some people who are accustomed with them :wink:

So it's the same if you want to post in English o German, krusty or I we are able to translate for everyone.

Please write a PM when you want something to be translated and it will be done.
Sure if it's possible to make the same in your forum please open a topic in your forum and give us the link here, so that we can reach the link without watching in the whole forum. Thanks in advance.

Ben 03/01/08 02:17


Originariamente inviata da krusty
Ich frag jetz mal den Chef und dann könnte man bei uns einen topic aufmachen unter dem namen: Neuigkeiten vom deutschen forum....und dasselbe kann man dann auch bei euch machen z.B news from ER6italia oder so etwa in der Richtung

I like that idea!

ill talk to markus asap.

heres a little about me:
my name is Ben, i am a moderator of the german forum and live in hamburg.
my bike is this one,
right now it looks like this though,
and this is me with my brand new schwabenleder suit.

if been reading, well lets say looking in this forum for about 2 years now, though i never understood much with a translator like google...

looking forward for our cooperation =)

XXX 03/01/08 11:13

:benvenuto Ben!! :ok

DuKa 03/01/08 11:17

:benvenuto Ben!! :ok

Ilaria 03/01/08 19:59

Ciao Ben!! :angelo

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